About us

Traffic Survey Partners


The company has been formed by Siva Nagarajah and Phil Spencer. Together they bring over 37 years experience of hands on Survey Management experience.

Siva was previously the Analysis Director of Count On Us, and prior to that a Graduate Statistical Officer for the DfT.

Phil has previously held the senior positions of Regional Director of NDC, Regional Director of COU, and prior to that that the Managing Director of City Clickers.

Since September 2012, we have been joined by Jerry Bentall (Public Transport Director) formerly of COU.  Jerry Bentall joined TSP with particular responsibility for Public Transport and Market Research based projects.  Jerry has 37 years experience in this field including extensive periods with British Rail and Halcrow.


We have just completed a 140 ANPR surveys in Chelmsford. We are very pleased to confirm that the views collected by our equipment in Chelmsford are high quality and that there are no breaks or interruptions in the footage collected.

 Recent projects includes 204 ATC sites in SE Kent, 28 MCCs and Queues(150 camera surveys) and 36 ATCs over four weeks in Portsmouth, 35 MCCs and Queues (118 cameras) in High Holborn Area, 39 ANPR surveys in Kings Cross London, 40 MCCs, 39 ANPR sites and 40 ATCs in Brent Cross over three days.

We have completed the annual link counts for DfT 2013 consisting over 300 sites within UK.