

We are proud of our capability to offer an all-encompassing, "umbrella" service whereby we engage and manage all types of survey work 'in house'. Thus a client has a single point of responsibility for an entire project, which is preferred by many of our regular clients.

Our data collection services are performed by appropriately qualified and experienced professional, technical and survey staff. TSP adopts quality procedures for all field work and data collection, as well as, strict quality practices for data analysis.

With over 200 camera systems and also ATCs at our disposal we are capable of carrying out large scale and complex surveys.

Some of the main types of survey that we undertake are detailed below, but if you need a specific type of survey that isn't covered please contact us on 020 7625 2883.

  • Classified Traffic Counts

  • Automatic Traffic Counts

  • Pedestrian or Cycle Crossing Surveys

  • Public Transport Surveys (including Bluetooth Vehicle & Pedestrian Tracking)

  • Parking Surveys (including Street Occupancy Surveys, Car Park and Beat Surveys)

  • Registration Number Plate Surveys (including ANPR)

  • Roadside Interview Surveys (RSI's)

  • Journey Times Surveys (including Bluetooth Vehicle & GPS)

  • Speed Surveys (including ATC and Radar)

  • Vehicle Occupancy Surveys (Multi-modal Surveys)

  • Queue Length and Signal Timing Surveys

  • Saturation Flow and Degree of Saturation (Dos) Surveys

Whilst the emphasis may be on our ability to provide high quality output using proven analytical techniques and top of the market technology we also provide a range of human resources to back up this work.

We currently have on our books over 100 manual survey staff available for conducting a range of both quantitative and qualitative surveys both in conjunction with video based surveys (for example queue length observations) but also on stand alone projects (bus occupancy counts, station surveys and interviews). All staff have experience with numerous types of surveys and undertake these on a daily basis.